[this website is in the middle of a redesign so please forgive the construction]
Hendrik Gideonse can help you with all audio-critical acoustics projects. He has real-life experience working as a composer/songwriter and producer/engineer, so his studio designs are grounded in real workflows. He has 25 years of practice building rooms and treatments (he actually uses tools,) managing and teaching tradespeople, and solving problems in the field in real-time. If you want to get started right away, get in touch by email at s t u d i o <at> xix-acoustics.com.
Some of the work that Hendrik does:
Building Spaces for critical listening like Control Rooms, Home Theaters, and Producer’s Studios
Designing and Building Custom Acoustic Treatments for solving specific problems
Design Wall, Window and Door Systems to isolate or block sound (commonly referred to a sound proofing)
Teaching Musicians how to approach their studio budgeting process and how to DIY their own studio or rehearsal space
Design and Documentation
Perfect Audio Workspaces. Creativity Enhancing Environments. Custom Treatments to Solve Your Acoustic Problems.
Construction and Fabrication
Realize the dream by making it reality. We have experience building studios that work. It isn’t just theory, it’s a practice that Hendrik works on every day.
Consultations and Help for DIY’ers
Ask questions and get answers that are informed by science, aesthetics, ergonomics, psychoacoustics and experience.